Safety Inbox Archiving with Mail iQ

Your solution for high-volume email , chat, and social media communications.

Caught between data retention policies and storage limitations?

Shared inboxes are critical for managing complex and highly-regulated  communications in pharma and biotech. This content needs to be retained — often indefinitely– but with cloud storage limitations on email servers, that has proved challenging. 

Staying compliant requires a long-term storage solution where companies can archive their emails, freeing up space on their servers and meeting regulatory demands.

Email retention periods for pharmaceutical companies often fall between 5 and 35 years after a product has been removed from the market

The leading provider of SaaS email for the enterprise limits group mailbox storage to 50GB -- once this is met, the inbox will no longer accept new messages

High-volume email storage

Storage and retention, automated.

Mail iQ ingests emails, social media content, and chat from across your organization for long-term, high-volume storage. Using our auto-categorization engine, we can apply retention and disposition rules with no intervention required.

Integrate with all leading email providers

Store emails, attachments, and metadata

Adhere to data retention policies and guidelines

Searchable Archive

Reliable email search for instant access.

No need to rely on your email client to produce content for audits, inspections, or legal requests. Orbit’s Mail iQ is a simple yet powerful tool to demonstrate compliance for both sent and received emails. 


Actionable archiving with Orbit

Safety inbox archiving to manage pharmacovigilance emails and other electronic communications


Regulated communication channels, managed.

Internal messaging tools and public social media accounts are potential sources for highly-regulated data. Like email, this data requires retention, high-volume storage, and could potentially be reviewed during legal proceedings, inspections, and audits.

Mail iQ centralizes email, chat, and social media posts into one archive for end-to-end risk reduction. 

Ready to learn more about Safety Mail iQ?

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