Lots of learning @ DIA

Over the past few weeks, at DIA PVRMS in Washington DC and DIA Europe in Vienna, we had a lot of exciting and interesting conversations, and came back inspired.

To the experts we interfaced with – your interest in what we’re doing to improve GVP compliance has been truly stimulating. You shared experiences and everyday hurdles with us, and our products will be that much better.

Between new ideas to improve our Global-to-Local RMP and aRMM tracking, to processes you suggest we add to the platform (like PSMF Tracking for GVP Module II compliance) we’re coming back truly energized to get back to work!

Oh, and of course, thanks are due to DIA for hosting these great events. We can’t wait to see you all again in San Diego this summer.

– Orbit Team
(Dan Feith, Matt Rost, Charlie King)

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