A robust Pharmacovigilance Agreement can protect both sides of a business partnership from uncertainty, communication gaps, and compliance risks. In fact, the GVP modules require these agreements to ensure QPPV oversight, even including a list of partnerships in the PSMF.
Yet, despite the advantages of the PVA, the complex and varied arrangements among each pharmacovigilance agreement can increase the burden of work and compliance risks for your organization. Due to largely manual oversight processes, demonstrating compliance to all PV agreements is an increasing challenge for MAHs/Sponsors.
In this webinar, join the Orbit Team to discuss practical applications that your company can easily adopt to manage PV Agreements and meet the regulatory demands. Orbit takes a stepwise approach to the many contributing factors involved in maintaining PVAs, improving productivity, but most importantly maintaining access and oversight of your PVA terms and commitments.
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Product Marketing Manager, Orbit
Executive Director, Client Engagement
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