Orbit for Risk Management: From RMPs to Local ARMM Implementation

Overseeing risk management commitments gets more complicated every year. In this webinar, the Orbit Team discusses the ways many companies are using Orbit to manage RMP commitments, track risk minimization measures globally, and provide powerful oversight.

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Join Kevin Fetterman and Katherine Long to learn how to:

Use dynamic reporting to respond to local and global regulators

Centralize management to oversee the process internally and harmonize RM planning and activities

Spot local deviations and variations from the core plan

Monitor local compliance with aRMMs and other RMP Commitments

Meet the Presenters

Kevin Fetterman

Senior Director of Business Development

Kevin brings decades of experience in risk management consulting to help Orbit clients leverage their systems.

Katherine Long

Product Marketing Manager

Katherine manages Orbit’s marketing, helping new and potential clients understand the platform.

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